Our Work
LiBRE is a grassroots tenant-led organization group constantly innovating with new organizing models based on what we learn with community members. Our vision of social housing, tenant councils, corporate campaigns, neighborhood-based tenant groups, HUD building tenant unions, and coalition work strives to build Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) tenant power to win systemic housing justice change.
Our work is possible thanks to donations and funding from community members and foundations who believe in the transformative power of communities organizing to put an end to displacement and ensure housing as a human right.
Impact Stories
Learn about the work we do in Long Beach in our feature with our sponsor the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders (NALCAB).
NALCAB has provided grants and technical assistance to over 50 Latino-serving nonprofits to develop strategic neighborhood plans related to affordable housing, culturally driven commercial districts and equitable neighborhood development.
GIS Mapping Project
Discover Long Beach's housing history through our innovative interactive mapping system. Our Geographic Information System (GIS) tool provides data on rent increases, code enforcement violations, concentrated poverty, and historical redlining in the city spanning back years.
We hope this tool is helpful not only an educational resource, but an essential tool for the wellbeing of Long Beach tenants.
Neighborhood Tenant Organizing
LiBRE is committed to organizing and creating a movement that centers on the experience of tenants in the face of gentrification, growing rent burden, and displacement. It takes the lessons from building-specific community fights and connects tenants to broader policy issues. If you're interested in improving living conditions in your building, contact mayra@wearelbre.org
HUD Tenant Organizing
In partnership with Americorps, LiBRE has brought on a team to help build the capacity of tenant associations in eligible Section 8 HUD-assisted properties and build their capacity through outreach, education, leadership development, and connecting to legal services. If you live in a Section 8 HUD-assisted building and interested in learning more about your rights, contact contact@wearelbre.org.
Stay Housed Long Beach
Stay Housed Long Beach provides residents with Know-Your-Rights information and connects them with the legal support that helps them prevent evictions and illegal rent increases. The program intends to avert homelessness by keeping community members in their homes. For more information about upcoming Know-Your-Rights workshops, contact lilly@wearelbre.org
Housing Justice Coalition
The Long Beach Housing Justice Coalition is a diverse alliance of six community organizations: CLUE Justice, Long Beach for a Just Economy, Long Beach Forward, Long Beach Residents Empowered, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, and Inner City Law Center, committed to building working-class and Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) tenant leadership, as well as winning housing justice policies and systems change in Long Beach. For more information, contact andre@wearelbre.org
Housing For All Long Beach
Housing for All Long Beach Community Land Trust (CLT) is being formed with the direct support of LiBRE. A CLT is one of many different ways to stabilize land use for the people by purchasing land to keep it off the market forever. This model promotes community stewardship of the land and housing for the public good.